
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thankful Thursday - JOY!

This is my picture of JOY! Children dancing and worshipping God! These girls pictured were participants in last years Signs and Wonders Camp hosted by OHOP's Children's Equipping Center. That's Cecelia (then 7) in the front, right - red shirt, pony-tail flying, big smile.

I am so thankful that my 3 oldest kids got to go to this camp last year. I am trying to gather funds for 3 of them to go again in just over a week. It is an amazing time of worship, prayer, and equipping for the boys and girls.

I am giving thanks for God's provision and the Joy He gives everyday. His faithfulness overwhelms me.

Verse for the Day:
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." 3 John 1:4


  1. LOVE it!!! As children are joyfully dancing, they are also worshipping too!

  2. These do look like happy kids. One way to tell if the home is healthy is if the kids are smiling!

    On my blog, two posts down, is an article about "Storytelling and Our Children" that I think you would enjoy. wb


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