
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Light it Up Blue!

My blog-friend Debi, over at Who Says 8 is Enough? has a little boy, Will, with autism. He is adorable and full of JOY! I know he is the delight of his mother's heart. She posted today:
"I hope there will come a day where autism isn't viewed so negatively and the key to that is awareness. Autism Speaks is an organization that gives a voice to the cause and this month, through them, we are Lighting it up Blue for Autism. I have bought blue light bulbs and on April 1st and 2nd, my home will be lit up blue.
Won't you do it too? For Will and for every child you know that is on the spectrum and for all of the ones who might be..."

Please, be a voice for these children who so rarely get to express themselves. Shine a blue light and tell others about a little boy or little girl you know who is the delight of their parents' hearts. Consider donating to Autism Speaks and say a prayer for the families who've been touched by this little-understood condition. Lord God, gather Your precious children into Your arms, touch their hearts and minds, give them peace and strength! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you SO much Dixie!
    Made me cry happy tears.
    Bless you, my friend.


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